"RoutePlanner has the most user-friendly graphic interface I have seen to date. The officers use it on the bridge all the time and I am also able to use RoutePlanner on a laptop in my cabin."
"Of several similar systems we have tried RoutePlanner is the easiest to use. I also like the options it provides such as defining the grid density to reduce communication time."
"Most other systems we have tried seem more like a puzzle than a tool. We really liked the RoutePlanner feature that allows different routes to be compared so quickly and easily."
Ocean Route Planner, or simply RoutePlanner, is a powerful software tool that is intended for shipboard use. Its purpose is to assist the navigator to save fuel by determining the optimum weather route needed to make a required ETA at the lowest calm sea speed, or to compute the route that will produce the shortest passage time for a defined calm sea speed taking into account the expected weather. Live weather formatted for use in the software is provided as daily forecast updates direct from Marincom's office. RoutePlanner is the result of years of development by a team of lifelong professionals. It is a suite of sophisticated algorithms based on multiple sources of data.
Use of RoutePlanner is supported by an expert shore-based team to advise on such matter as tropical storm avoidance and special routing required for safety of ship and cargo.
The software runs on a PC with Vista and Windows/XP and separate versions are available in English and Chinese.
Routes can be input at the start of a passage or at any time on passage using the present position as a 'new' start position. Routes can be edited to produce new routes by adding, moving or deleting waypoints. Weather factors can be edited and various tables maintained.
Hypothetical routes can be created using RoutePlanner's database of ocean currents and average seasonal conditions as well as database of world ports. Charts can be overlaid with ship's position or the position of rigs and drilling platforms to provide a comparative overview.
Routes represented by waypoints can be pasted into other Windows software such as ECDIS charts and GPS displays.
Copious weather information is available and a specific weather forecast showing maximum wave heights, shown for any route that has been created.
RoutePlanner can be used in conjunction with, or even to replace, conventional weather routing services.
An information management system for ship operators. FleetMonitor organizes data about all ships under weather routing and other services by ship name and the client's own voyage number. This system shows the entire fleet position over the globe. Double-click on any ship and copious voyage information is available.
Data regarding routing, speeds and fuel performance is updated daily. More sensitive information, compatible with FleetMonitor and held in a separate module can be maintained in-house to indicate such voyage information as vessel schedule, bunker particulars, delivery and redelivery details, laytime, claims, correspondence with masters and agents etc. FleetMonitor can be customized to interface with communication systems and many other things.
For more information email info@marincom.ca